Re: [NTLK] Newton in MacAddict

From: Paul Nuernberger (
Date: Tue Aug 14 2001 - 00:03:55 EDT

I stand corrected.

I do recall UNistrokes, also RecursE, Glyph, and if I think long enough one
or two more. I had thought that the crew who ultimately became Palm, Inc.
were working on something before the release of Newton - could be just a
jumbled memory.

Paul Nuernberger

> From: Victor Rehorst <>
> Yes, Graffiti was first written for the Newton; in 1993, Graffiti 1.0 was
> the first product ever released by a small software company known as Palm
> Computing, Inc. Ironic, ain't it, that all of the copies of Graffiti sold
> went into developing the first PalmPilot.
> Now, Graffiti is actually based on a technology called UNistrokes, which
> was developed at Xerox PARC in the 1980s. Like all good ideas to come out
> of PARC (the mouse, the GUI...) it was ripped off and made into a
> marketable product by someone else: in thei case, Palm. In the mid 90s
> Xerox sued Palm for patent infringement; I believe they settled out of
> court. Here's a Wired article about it:
> --
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