Re: [NTLK] EstiMATE and eProbe

From: Larry Zasitko (
Date: Wed Aug 15 2001 - 08:05:02 EDT

I was in contact with these people about eprobe, they are still around but
no longer make or sell the kit for the emate. I have from time to time seen
them on ebay, but nothing recent.

I was also in touch with the company that made estimate and it was still
available but the costs were far to high for me to justify it. I will look
and see if I can find the message from them but unfortunately I had outlook
on my old computer decide it was no longer going to work so I can't retrieve
some of the email from a while ago.

Larry Zasitko

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Robert Benschop
Sent: August 15, 2001 4:36 AM
To: NewtonTalk
Subject: Re: [NTLK] EstiMATE and eProbe

I don't know EstiMate, but AFAIR eProbe was from Knowledge Revolution so you
might try and mail them at
Check out their website at
with an article about eProbe (in case they forgot themselves that hey once
made this) at:

Robert Benschop

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