[NTLK] Next Los Angeles newton user meeting

From: martina wilson (irishflyinghound_at_earthlink.net)
Date: Wed Aug 15 2001 - 22:42:16 EDT

Well, we had so much fun at our last Aug meeting we decided to have a
second one this month. It will be a more hands on meeting with internet
access. Perhaps the biggest draw besides the quality of the company, is
that this will be a meeting with Barbecue. one of our member has offered
his Santa Monica home again. these meetings tend to end when... the cows
come home We will be opening up at least one newton to add David
Humphrey's SER-001 modification. if you're interested in joining us
please RSVP at our group email address and i'll send you directions.
meeting date: Thurs, Aug 30th
meeting time: we usually converge about 7:00 PM
meeting location: Santa Monica
martina Wilson

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