On Thursday, August 16, 2001, at 11:19 AM, Mikebridg_at_aol.com wrote:
> Hi All who are helping me with quicken.
> u
> The plot thickens (or Qickens)- it seems I need Quicken for Mac to be
> able to
> download the files from pocket Q on the newton !DUh! I should have
> known I
> suppose but I thought I would get some kind of text file with all the
> information. I'm No accountant so I have ano ral use for Quicken on the
> mac.
> BUT where do I get it from?
I haven't used PocketQuicken, but I would be very surprised that you
would need Quicken on your Mac to transfer transactions. If that was the
case, that would mean that Intuit, that makes Quicken, would have to
maintain code in the Quicken application just to receive transactions
from a software package that was discontinued by them even before the
Newton was canceled. That seems very unlikely.
Are you sure you have the COMPLETE PocketQuicken package? Usually, with
those sort of packages, you have a little transfer application sitting
on your Newton and another similar application on your Macintosh, so
both of them can talk together.
Is anybody using PocketQuicken here? Any idea?
-- ===================================================================== Laurent Daudelin Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae mailto:Laurent_Daudelin_at_fanniemae.com Washington, DC, USA ********************** Usual disclaimers apply ********************** "Heuristics are bug ridden by definition. If they didn't have bugs, then they'd be algorithms."-- This is the Newtontalk mailinglist - http://www.newtontalk.net To unsubscribe or manage: visit the above link or mailto:newtontalk-request_at_newtontalk.net?Subject=unsubscribe
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