Laurent, If that isn't the epitome of the "shameless plug", I don't know
what would be! :) Even so, great little programs worth recommendation!
To me, the three apps that add the most functionality with the least
interface impact to the Newton experience is MoreInfo by Silverware
(, NewtCase 3.0
(, which contains GestureLaunch
( by ICS, and DashBoard by FiveSpeed Software
These three enhancements make a world of difference in the way your newton
interacts with you, and how the info can be linked together and accessed.
These three are MUCH better than all of the available alternatives.
If HyperNewt had more hyperlink management modules, It would be up there
too. Really cool concept, but not enough interfaces to third-party software.
> I would say NewtGrocery to handle your grocery shopping and GeekSafe to
> store all your passwords, PINs and IDs.
> PS: I'm seriously biased, since I wrote NewtGrocery and did update
> GeekSafe, gnark gnark gnark ;-)
> -Laurent.
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