Re: [NTLK] *Must Have* apps?

From: lewis rogers (
Date: Thu Aug 16 2001 - 18:20:10 EDT

on 8/16/01 1:22 PM, Gary Moody at wrote:

> Laurent, If that isn't the epitome of the "shameless plug", I don't know
> what would be! :) Even so, great little programs worth recommendation!
> To me, the three apps that add the most functionality with the least
> interface impact to the Newton experience is MoreInfo by Silverware
> (, NewtCase 3.0
> (, which contains GestureLaunch
> ( by ICS, and DashBoard by
> FiveSpeed Software
> (
> These three enhancements make a world of difference in the way your newton
> interacts with you, and how the info can be linked together and accessed.
> These three are MUCH better than all of the available alternatives.
> If HyperNewt had more hyperlink management modules, It would be up there
> too. Really cool concept, but not enough interfaces to third-party software.
> Regards,
> Gary
>> I would say NewtGrocery to handle your grocery shopping and GeekSafe to
>> store all your passwords, PINs and IDs.
>> PS: I'm seriously biased, since I wrote NewtGrocery and did update
>> GeekSafe, gnark gnark gnark ;-)
>> -Laurent.
It would be great if Hyperlink modules for Leverage, BluePrint etc. could be



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