Sushi wrote:
>... check out the Handera 330. A Palm PDA compatable device which, IMHO
> much better than the iPaq for overall use and function...
> Some key features:
> - Palm OS compatable
> - 240x320 screen, that can be rotated.
So you may find this interesting:
2. Palm looks to Be for OS boost
Palm announced on Thursday that it is acquiring the technology
assets and intellectual property of software maker Be for $11
million in stock, in a move aimed at strengthening its operating
system to compete against Microsoft. Palm said it expects the
acquisition to bolster its OS, particularly in the areas of
communications, Internet and multimedia technologies.
August 16, 2001, 10:10 a.m. PT
And, yes, this is the sad demise of Be Inc.
I for one realy liked the BeOS, despite the lack of applications. I
still keep my Performa6400 just to fiddle with it and Linux.
But their spirit will hopefully show through the upcoming versions of
the PalmOS, at least for us BeHeaded geeks (this one came out very spontaneously:))
C ya,
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