Re: [NTLK] Curious

From: Thomas Hart (
Date: Tue Aug 21 2001 - 19:53:34 EDT

First of all, with all this talk of Dashboard, I was wondering if anyone
else has had this strange effect: every now and again, with the button
bar hidden, dashboard's reduced format doubles itself. I normally keep
it at the bottom of the screen to the right of the buttons in Backdrop
+. When Dashboard decides to reproduce, it adds a second version of
itself over the note pad button on the vertical left. Can this be
stopped by anything other than quitting dashboard or rebooting?

Second of all, I was trying to import a document for work this weekend
and when the NCU selection menu comes up AppleWorks files are an option,
but when you select it, no AppleWorks documents show up. When you leave
it at its default setting, all of the AppleWorks docs show up, but if
you select one it tells you that it can't process this 'WriteNow NeXt'
file. What gives?

in your trusted hands,


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