Re: [NTLK] My first Newton (finally!)

From: Anthony Randazzo (
Date: Wed Aug 22 2001 - 00:13:02 EDT

on 8/21/01 10:00 PM, Woo Lee at wrote:

> D'oh!!! I forgot he got a 120.

OK, so hooking up the 120 serial cable to serial port on iPrint adapter to
ethernet cable to ethernet port on iBoook via AppleTalk will work "out of
the box." Right?

Thanks for all your help and answers on the other questions, too. Anything
on how to view the notes on the mac once synced? Thanks once again.
Anthony Randazzo

PS- I'm now selling my Handspring Visor (2MB model) with original box, docs,
snap cover, flip cover, and cradle. If you're interested, let me know and
make an offer. They sell for $130 new, so I would guess maybe $70-ish, but
don't be afraid to just make an offer.

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