Re: [NTLK] Wishlist for dev. (was: Carpman has left the Arena.)

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Sat Aug 25 2001 - 04:46:15 EDT

>As in that which is used in the Dock ?

Well, I just had a discussion about it with my Dad and a look in a
book I bought about legislation for computers in France.
So what I can say is that I'm about to write a DES implementation
which is compatible with the one inside the Newton for use with the
Dock protocol and which will be open source (the big problem here
being to put the thing open source).

CPI art. L. 122-6-1
TGI Bobigny Dec, 15th, 1978, Boyau vs. MP,
CA Paris, 4th Ch., Nov, 2nd, 1979, Babolat et alii vs MP,
Rép. min. d'Harcourt, #13049, July 26th, 1982.


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