Re: [NTLK] Wishlist for dev. (was: Carpman has left the Arena.)

From: Paul Nuernberger (
Date: Sat Aug 25 2001 - 05:07:27 EDT

Because of the encryption ? Anything to do with that Euro Digital Media
2000 legislation (may not have my phraseology correct here - late night) ?

Paul Nuernberger

> From: Paul Guyot <>
> Well, I just had a discussion about it with my Dad and a look in a
> book I bought about legislation for computers in France.
> So what I can say is that I'm about to write a DES implementation
> which is compatible with the one inside the Newton for use with the
> Dock protocol and which will be open source (the big problem here
> being to put the thing open source).
> Cf
> CPI art. L. 122-6-1
> and
> TGI Bobigny Dec, 15th, 1978, Boyau vs. MP,
> CA Paris, 4th Ch., Nov, 2nd, 1979, Babolat et alii vs MP,
> R=E9p. min. d'Harcourt, #13049, July 26th, 1982.
> Paul

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