> Well, I'm out. Newtontracker sounded like a good idea on paper, and I
>> thought that the Newton would be as cool as it was 3 years ago, but the
>> Newton truly is dead.
HELP!!! My 'dead Newton' keeps waking me up at 3 am!!! It's rolling in
it's grave!!!
..oh, it's just rolling over yesterdays 'To-Do's', whew, it's still
alive...and kicking!
..but I gotta remind myself to use standalone.com's 'Alarmed&Dangerous',
during the 'waking'(?) hours I can choose to delete that pesky alarm for at
least a day or more.
BTW, I think the problem is you looked at Newtontracker 'on paper'. You
see, looking at Newtontracker on a Newt. really 'sheds' more 'light' on the
!ooW %-)
My Newt. will still be productive way after the last Palm/Handspringis
six-feet under.
Pres. of Los Angeles Newton Users Group!
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