Re: [NTLK] HandEra Review

From: Bill davis newton (
Date: Mon Aug 27 2001 - 15:38:53 EDT

-----Original Message-----
From: "Marco Mailand" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 18:27:28 +0200
Subject: Re: [NTLK] HandEra Review

> What is the real question is: How does the 64MB...1GB(!) storage
> expansion
> by CF media (that would be e.g. a IBM Microdrive !!!) integrate into
> the
> PalmOS? On the latest expandable Palm 505 (?) a software is needed to
> swap
> data from the storage expansion into the base memory and back (like
> the
> EMM386.sys in 640kB computer era). Limitations on the Palm 505 are in
> such
> that one cannot run programs with overlays and other similar methods
> to use
> larger programs. Anyone on this, maybe you Bill, how is the storage
> expansion integrated into the system? Is it as transparent as in the
> Newton?
> --
> With best regards / Viele Gruesse
> Marco Mailand

There are two things you can do with the HandEra and with the newer
Palms running PalmOS 4.0

HandEra provides a program called AutoCard (formerly AutoCF on their
older TRGPro units) which transparently copies programs from the card
into RAM to run them, then deletes them when you exit. It ALSO
automatically will map references to files so that you can (in most
programs that are decently well written) access files, even files
larger than RAM from the memory card. Yes, including the IBM 1GB

The latest OS releases from HandEra, version 3.5.3 also support the VFS
file system introduced on the recent Palm m5xx units running PalmOS
4.0. This is the "official" method for programs to access data files
off the card. PalmOS 4's Launcher (the equivalent of the Extras drawer
on the Newton) also will show any apps on the card in a specific
subdirectory. This Launcher isn't on the Handera yet, but AutoCard
provides the same functionality in the older Launcher (and has for
years before Palm did, basically).

It's not quite as smooth as the Newton, but it's been pretty smooth and
transparent for me.

I have several programs that support VFS already, such as my database
JFile and ebook reader TealDoc and Palmreader. There are others as
well. And since the Handera supports CF cards as well as SD/MMC cards
(which are slower) it's pretty fast loading.

HandEra is basically building a better Palm than Palm!

 - Bill

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