Subject: [NTLK] RCU type 15 error fix?
From: (Way)
>I just tried starting RCU up on my Pismo PB G3/400 and I received the
>Type 15 error everyone was talking about. I then increased the app's
>memory via Get Info to 8500 and it worked! Try and see if this helps.
>Still doesn't resolve the serial port issue, though.
I have given RCU 12 MB since day one (it used to crash importing
pictures), and it works fine. I am using the CompuCable MiniGeo on a PB
WallStreet, OS 9.1 - from what I have seen this ADB-Serial adapter has
the least compatabillity problems. Also don't forget to install the
"Apple Modem Tool" extension.
--Mark Rollins, CIH, CSP
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