Here's a list that I picked up somewhere and can't verify from 1st hand
experience other than the Nikon Coolpix 950. That camera definitely works.
The serial cable that came with the camera works fine. It has a Mac serial
connection on one end and what looks like a miniplug on the other.
I also know that the Agfa 1280 works as I have the Newtons previously owned
by Compass that have the photos that were shot with a 1280, still on them.
I've recently acquired a cable to connect a Coolpix 990 to a Mac serial
port. I was unsuccessful with both my 16MB and 32MB cards (the camera cards
that is, not the Newton card). Someone recently reported that they had
trouble with their Agfa camera when using a card larger than 8 MB. So now
I'm in a quest for an 8 MB card for my Coolpix 990 to test. I can't become
too expectant but, Wow, if this works! I'll be so happy!!!! The cable is
Nikon Serial Cable to connect to Mac, SC-EM3 (Nikon part number #25144)
I have no idea if the usb connector on the Nikon Coolpix 995 is identical to
the usb connector on the 990. If it is, then there is hope for that model as
Cameras Reported compatible with Tibet:
Agfa ePhoto 307, ePhoto 780, ePhoto 1280
Agfa 1680
Nikon CoolPix 900, 950
Olympus D-300L, D320-L, D-340R, Camedia C-400, Camedia C800L, Camedia C1000L
Epson PhotoPC 700
And while someone once claimed that the Connectix Grayscale Quickcam works
with Tibet, I have tested it extensively and can report that it definitely
does not work. The connector does plug in to the Newton but that's as far as
it goes. (I must say it is the most interesting peripheral I've ever seen
attached! This gray "eyeball" on a tether to a Newton.) I think that the
confusion over this device stems from the Bonington Team using a Powerbook
and Quickcam combo to send images back as well as using the Newton/still
camera combo to do the same. In any case, it just doesn't work.
Generally each camera has it's own cable, while it is possible that some in
this list merely use a Mac serial cable, I can only speculate.
Specs? I have not found anything detailing specs for cameras in all of the
material that I bought from Compass, and I've looked specifically for such
info. At this point, if you have a camera that physically connects to the
Newton, give it a try.
As an aside, a week ago, I contacted the publisher and asked about the
chance of releasing the binaries to the community. Still waiting. I'll
inform the list if this develops any further.
Good luck,
ken Whitcomb
on 8/28/01 8:02 PM, John M. Powell at wrote:
> I checked their website for a list of cameras - no go -
> site is being rebuilt. Anyone have that list of what cameras
> work with Tibet? I saw a previous post that Epson and Nikon
> cameras did, and the ePhoto 370, 780, and 1280. What are the
> requirements for a camera to work (specs or standards)? What
> kind of cable would I need to test one with? Thanks for your help!!
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