Re: [NTLK] Newbie NCU/NBU (on a PC) Question

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Wed Aug 29 2001 - 12:14:37 EDT

on 29/08/01 11:54, Ben Smith at wrote:

> I'm connecting at 9600 baud (on the Newt and the PC) using both the package
> that came with NBU (Serial 9600 Baud) and what appears to be the built in
> offering.
> Without slowdown.exe:
> Dialog on PC says 'Preparing to backup'
> Dialog changes to 'Disconnecting'
> Error message pops up on the PC - 'The connection was stopped because
> of a communication error. (-1)'
> Dock on the Newt pops up 'The connection was stopped because your PC
> disconnected'.
> With slowdown.exe at around two thrids of the way to the right settings for
> both sliders:
> Dialog on PC says 'Preparing to backup'
> Dialog changes to say 'Making Ben Smith.NBK' with 'Backing up Ben
> Smith.NBK' underneath
> Bottom line changes to 'Backing up system information'
> Progress bar stutters for around 20 seconds
> Dialog changes to 'Disconnecting'
> Error message pops up on the PC - 'The connection was stopped because
> of a communication error. (-1)'
> Dock on the Newt pops up 'The connection was stopped because your PC
> disconnected'.
> NB. I did this process a couple of times to check the words on the
> dialogs, and on one occaision it made
> it past this stage and listed a whole bunch of other packages, but
> after a further 45 seconds it disconnected.
> A second time (with slowdown at halfway) it made it as far as backing
> up packages and then disconnected,
> and the newt reset....
> I'm going to contact the original owner, but I know he used it
> daily. Since he's also given me a couple of Ethernet cards I assume he was
> using Macs to sync.

Try to set the sliders in SlowDown all the way to the left (slowest speed
and such). See if the error happens again. If it does, check if you can
notice a repeatable pattern. If it always stopped at about the same place
during the backup of the system information, that would point out to a
corrupted system soup entry. You could try to use SBM Utilities to browse
any single entry of the system soup and see if you're getting any error from
Utilities when trying to access a specific entry.


Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae             Washington, DC, USA
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