>Yes, the 710031 system patch can be installed over ANY
>2x00 MP.
It works on US MP2x00 only (it won't install on any other machine)
with standard ROM Board (it won't install neither on some DVT/EVT
>When you check the memory info, the system
>patch shows 710031-1
Which means it's for US MP2x00 and was released on January, 31st, 2000.
>This patch fixes a particularly annoying bug in
>upgraded Newts.
Wow, didn't know that.
>You won't need this for the MP2100, and most likely you won't need
>this for a Dr. Newton MP2000 upgrade. When I got my Dr. Newton
>upgraded MP2000 back from Apple for other unrelated repairs, the
>newton came back with errors when trying to perform a search
>anywhere. The 710031 patch fixed this and now my newt functions as
>if new.
Really? Ed, you had some weird problem with your Newton. I'm
surprised that installing the 710031 patch did fix it. 710031 is
nearly useless, you know. It fixes a bug that 98% of the Newton users
never experienced, the other 2% experienced it because they
deliberately triggered it. It's just a "Technologiedemonstration".
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