Re: [NTLK] Newtappropriasms [WAS] Travelling...

From: Bill Wilson (
Date: Thu Jul 05 2001 - 03:33:30 EDT

Man, I just *love* how my initial request for travelling tips turned
into this "Newtappropriasms" thread! GREAT stuff!

Now with all these great sounds available to me, I have GOT to make
some time to learn how to install pkgs and such before we leave!

And speaking of leaving: I picked up some of those GrandCell
rechargeable alkalines w/charger on eBay a while back but I've yet to
try them in the 2100. (So far I've been content to plug in the AC
adaptor when it's come time to recharge the Newt's battery. I have
the battery cradle, but I've not used it yet.) Better to take these
on the trip and leave the rechargeable battery pack at home? (I'm
trying desperately to avoid taking every single Newton and PowerBook
accessory/apparatus I own...admittedly as much to show them off to
friends and relatives up north as to use them myself, though I'm sure
I will!)

Thanks again, gang, and keep those "Newtappropriasms" comin'!


Bill Wilson
Creative Director
Wilson-Lewis-Wilson Design

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