Re: [NTLK] newbie questions

From: Bill davis newton (
Date: Fri Jul 06 2001 - 15:21:48 EDT

> Hello all: I just bought a MP2100 and now I wonder

Funny, I just switched my day-to-day PDA from a 2100 to a PalmOS unit
(Handera 330).

> (1) how can I connect my MP with my Pismo PB (firewire and USB) to
> synch
> data? what would be the best solution?

ETHERNET! (Although you'll probably need a USB to Serial adapter to get
the card drivers loaded, first. Unless you have a modem; you could
download 'em off the 'Net then, if you have the Newton Internet Enabler
and a web browser loaded, maybe.) I'd still get a USB to Serial
adapter though.

Check the FAQ for info. Also (I think
that's the URL; start at if not, and you should have no
trouble finding it.

> (2) before I converted to the Newton, I owned a palm pilot. this
> thing was
> very easy to synch with my palm desktop (former claris works, as you
> all
> probably know).

No, actually it was formerly Claris ORGANIZER, not Claris Works (which
is now called AppleWorks).

can this also be done with the Newton? how?
> (2) what software combination should I use (MP calendar, todo, etc;
> and
> desktop PIM for my PB). or in other words: what software would you
> recommend?

Actually....I'd recommend Palm Desktop for Mac. Siince it used to be
Claris Organizer, which the Newton Connection utilities support (can't
sync to the currently active PDM file, though - switch to another one,
sync, then switch back) you can do this (I have.)

You can sync, or you can just export periodically in CO format, then
merge the info into a PDM file.

The FAQ probably has pointers to info on this too.

Look for the latest FAQ at, although I have a (much)
older one at too.

 - Bill

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