Re: [NTLK] Question

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Sun Jul 08 2001 - 13:54:33 EDT

>Does anyone know how you can do this with a mp2000?

The MP2x00s don't have backup batteries. I think it's the same as
well for the eMates, but I'm not sure.
They have a capacitor to hold the time, but if you unplug the Newton
for a long time, you'll lose the time, and only this. Everything else
(including system patch and screen calibration) is stored on Flash

In the case of MP120s and MP130s, the backup battery only save some
data (the system patch and the screen calibration) plus the time.
Everything else is stored as well on Flash memory.

Some very old model may have been using dynamic ram instead of flash,
but I'm not sure at all.

No, Newtons aren't primitive calculators losing everything if you remove power.


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