Re: [NTLK] Blue ... something

Date: Tue Jul 10 2001 - 02:11:42 EDT

Hi Jurgen,

I'm using Blue Print2 almost every day to manage telecom research projects,
It is a very handy program eventhough there is no export to a desktop
program (only the other way round). the program works fine for me, the main
interesting point is that you can have some remindings in the agenda, and
the ressource affection is quite easy to use as well. The dependances
between tasks is not so evident (youdo not have any arrows between them!).
You can access to the different project very easily.

I bough the program through the donation program, it works fine, in less
than two days I had all the access codes from sarofax. (and you have the
pleasure of a donation).

hope it will help.



>Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 20:13:00 +0100
>From: eMate 300 01 Jurgen Mintert <>
>Subject: Re: [NTLK] Blue ... something

>On Mon, 9 Jul 2001 13:56:47 +1000, Patrick Meuleman wrote:
>>Hi Jurgen,
>>The application you are looking for is called BluePrint and can be found
>>What in particular did you want to know about it? There is a reasonable
>>tutorial available on the web site (last time I looked anyway).
>>Regards, Patrick.>
>Thanks Patrick,
>what i wanted to know, is, what somebody with experience with this program
>knew about working with it every day. The Online tutorial is for me not
>possible to get, because i have had to get there with my eMate and that is
>not very comfortable. So i have to wait, till the computer of a friend
>works again.
>Anyway, Paul Filmer heard of my problem and is now in Amsterdam to let me
>play a little with Blue print, so i have to say that the servic from the
>Newton community is VERY GOOD. Mr. Filmer has indeed some minor meetings
>with not Newton related people, but in my imagination he is here to help
>me out. (O-<
>I close the subject now here at the list and will email only under my own
>mail adress, not to, at least thank, everybody for help.
>Jurgen Mintert

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