Re: [NTLK] Palm IIIe to MP2100 (Names/Notes)

From: Way-Chung Wong (
Date: Wed Jul 11 2001 - 12:14:52 EDT

>> I'm sure this is a FAQ, and if so, can someone point me to the answer. I'd
>> like to port Palm Names adn Notes as cleanly as possible to my MP2100. I've
>> seen threads on the opposite.

Going through the Palm Desktop & NCU is pretty clean. I have Palm Desktop

1. Sync Palm to Organizer (let's say it is to user "My Palm Brick").
2. Export the data (Contacts or Notes module) from Organizer as tab &
return delimited and save the file (let's call it "Palm Contacts").
3. Open and connect NCU to the Newt

The following steps are all done from your desktop computer:
4. On the computer click the Import button and navigate to the "Palm
Contacts" file. NCU the prepares for import.
5. In the "Choose Translator" window select "Delimited Text".
6. In the "Choose Newton OS application" window choose "Names".
7. When the "Import" window appears click the "Advanced Options..." button
8. Use the "Add" button to determine how you want entry conflicts to be
9. Check the "Field Mapping..." button to match up the Newton and
Organizer's fields. This is the tedious part. Scan through your Palm's
data and match up the fields.
10. Click the "Import" button to start importing to the Newton.

The worst part is mapping the fields and making sure everthing matches.
Other than that it's not bad.

Way Wong
Byte-Size Software

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