On Fri, 13 Jul 2001 17:53:42 -0500, newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Eric L. Strobel" <fyzycyst_at_home.com>
> Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 15:58:00 -0400
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Nushield Question?
> >
> > I suppose this could happen, although it would be really hard to see
> > such
> > wear on, say, the scrolling arrows/overview button, since that part
> > of the
> > screen has the printed underlay. I guess I just haven't figured out
> > how to
> > integrate the Newt into my daily life as deeply as some others have,
> > because
> > there just isn't anything on the Newt that I use THAT much that there
> > would
> > ever be any danger of wearing things.
> No suppose about it. It happens. To everbody, sooner or later. (And
> especially on cheaper screens like Palm units).
> Better safe than sorry! Perhaps not as much for wear as for the
> occasional spec of dirt that WILL scratch the screen. Don't say we
> didn't warn you.
> I've got two keyboards, and use(d) them so rarely that I stopped
> bothering to put them in my briefcase years ago.
> Also, remember that MP2xxx's don't have that printed underlay - they
> have a "soft" button bar at the bottom, where you can rearrange the
> location of the arrows and other program icons. And rotate the screen
> so they can be on any side. 1xx Newton's can rotate (but not as much)
> too, if they are running OS 2.0
I'm staying within 'Works' most of the time, whether to write minutes, type
reports, use 'dates' to add meetings & events, 'names' for yet more
fax-numbers (not properly newt-online yet!), -draw-on-the-screen artwork, in
the open air, sunday afternoon modelling session, &c., and, if that isn't
enough, as an alarm clock, so that should have been frequent-use enough for
'some' damage to show up, especially in those areas where the 'close' button
is usually in one particular spot but, strangely enough, I've just checked
and found scarcely a blemish.
My newt is an eMate 300 so the 'close' option is usually 'available' from
the keyboard but I scarcely bother!
John Johnson.
> > the
> > smartest thing I got for the Newt. I just wish that when typing
> > checklists
> > and outlines that there were command-key combos for some of the
> > buttons on
> > the screen.
> There are (at least on my MP2xxx's). Hold down the COMMAND (Apple) key
> on the keyboard for a moment to pop up a list of keyboard shortcuts in
> many programs. I don't have my 130 with me so I can't be sure that
> works on 1xx units.
> - Bill
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