I'm trying to connect my MP2K to my PC using NCU v1.0(WIN95-NT). I get a
successful connection using the COM1 port, and Serial on the MP2K. A few
seconds after the system information backup begins, the connection drops due
to a "connection error (-1)". The Read Me File says:
* Can't connect - If you experience connection problems between your
Newton device and your PC, it may be because your PC cannot support
the communications speeds required by NCU. Several packages are
supplied with NCU that allow the Newton device to communicate with
your computer at speeds slower than the default 38.4 KB. These
packages are named 2400.PKG, 4800.PKG, and 9600.PKG in the NCU
directory. It's recommended that you install and try out the package that
represents the fastest baud rate (9600 KB) first. Install the other
packages if communications problems persist."
I have all choices mentioned above when I choose my connection on the
Newton, but the problem still exists (on the other hand, I don't actually
see the packages on the Newt). I've tried connecting at all other speeds,
but the Newt and PC just hang.
A) Should I try to install the above packages?
B) I've tried the COM2 port - no success there either.
Any suggestions? I tried the FAQ but couldn't find a solution..
Thanks much,
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