No problems with the KeySpan USB PDA Adapter here - running between an MP2K
and a Pismo G3 PB.
- Dave
On 7/23/01 3:33 PM, "Laurent Daudelin" <>
> On Monday, July 23, 2001, at 03:19 PM, Andrew C. Rempt wrote:
>> Laurent,
>> Dead on the money. I scrounged an Apple serial cable from my giant
>> box of cables, and it worked like a charm. Thanks a million. I
>> haven't tried the Apple Talk set up yet, but I will tonight.
>> Now is there anyway to get it to work on my USB desktop G4? I have a
>> Belkin serial adapter, the kind that gets all stacked in a tower with
>> other hubs and components, and so far, NBU doesn't see it.
>> Anyone have any luck with this set up, or do I need to get another
>> serial to USB adapter?
>> Thanks again for all the help.
> I don't have any experience with any USB serial adapters, do I don't
> know if the Belkin's one will work or not, but maybe another user on the
> list might be able to share its experience. I've heard that people
> usually had good results with the Keyspan adapter, though.
> -Laurent.
> --
> =====================================================================
> Laurent Daudelin Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae
> Washington, DC, USA
> ********************** Usual disclaimers apply **********************
> "Heuristics are bug ridden by definition. If they didn't have bugs,
> then they'd be algorithms."
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