Re: [NTLK] Newton 2000 + 8mb card = memory problem?

From: Ivan Shaw (
Date: Mon Jul 23 2001 - 16:14:11 EDT

On Mon, Jul 23 2001 Andreas Lindkvist wrote:
>I have a newton 2000 and a 8 mb card and the card holds
>3.5 mb of packages... Time to time I get this:
>"Newton does not have enought free memory right now to
>do what you asked. Restarting Newton may fix the problem"

Sounds like you're running out of heap memory. You can either get the MP2000 upgraded by Dr. Newton (or some of the fellows on the other side of the Atlantic) or start deleting unused apps or freezing rarely-used apps.

Note that the extra RAM is probably the best way to go (free heap on a "clean" machine is upwards of 400 kb) but you will run into -10061 (install a patch).

I occassionally generate the same error, but it usually occurs when I'm trying to clean out more than 100 messages at a time from the Inbox.

Ivan T. Shaw, PhD
Propolis is "bee glue."

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