Hi everyone
another quick query from a relative newbie to the list.
I want some REAL speed for my MP2K...modem wise at any rate.
Can anyone help me find a GOOD modem? I am currently running a netcomm 14.4k
modem and it's KILLING me.
Can you use the newt with a serial modem? like my external modem for my PC?
I assume I would need to get an adaptor obviously as my modem has a 9 pin D
plug (PC style) so I need to get it down to a mac style RS442 plug right?
Digital camera----- I have a FUJI MX-700 .... any way of utilising this with
my MP2K. It needs connection software on the PC to browse the images to
transfer...so I am guessing not.
I am SOOOO impressed with David Humphrey's SER-001! Bravo! I must order one!
Jolly good show old bean!
Another note... I just sold a dead (or dissasembled) MP120 to a fellow on
eBay...and the guy got it going! Bless him! He is having trouble with
a -48013 error, and beleives it to be something to do with a corrupt
soup.... any info/idea/quick fixes would be really appreciated.
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