Re: [NTLK] Modems and stuff

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Thu Jul 26 2001 - 11:34:47 EDT

On Wednesday, July 25, 2001, at 08:13 PM, String Powered Productions

> Hi everyone
> another quick query from a relative newbie to the list.
> I want some REAL speed for my MP2K...modem wise at any rate.
> Can anyone help me find a GOOD modem? I am currently running a netcomm
> 14.4k
> modem and it's KILLING me.
> Can you use the newt with a serial modem? like my external modem for my
> PC?
> I assume I would need to get an adaptor obviously as my modem has a 9
> pin D
> plug (PC style) so I need to get it down to a mac style RS442 plug
> right?
> Digital camera----- I have a FUJI MX-700 .... any way of utilising this
> with
> my MP2K. It needs connection software on the PC to browse the images to
> I am guessing not.
> I am SOOOO impressed with David Humphrey's SER-001! Bravo! I must order
> one!
> Jolly good show old bean!
> Another note... I just sold a dead (or dissasembled) MP120 to a fellow
> on
> eBay...and the guy got it going! Bless him! He is having trouble with
> a -48013 error, and beleives it to be something to do with a corrupt
> soup.... any info/idea/quick fixes would be really appreciated.

For a modem, somebody was mentioning a 56K X-Jack MegaHertz modem last
week or the week before, that was working on the Newton. Check the
NewtonTalk archive you should find it, or maybe somebody will chime in
with the exact model.

You can use your PC external modem as long as you have the proper cable.
You should be able to find a cable that will have a DIN-8 plug on one
end that plugs in the interconnect port with the "dongle" adapter, or
directly into the SER-001 if you ever get it, and has a DB-9 plug on the
other end that would plug directly in your modem. Make sure it's a modem
cable and you should be fine, although a PCMCIA card modem will be more

Have the guy with the 120 do a hard reset, that should take care of the
problem. Warning! A hard reset will bring back the internal store to its
factory default, so he'll loose everything that he added. If he just got
it, then he should have done that first thing. He might also want to
check if he has the latest system update. He will need to know whether
this 120 is running Newton OS 1.3 or 2.0, as there are different system
updates depending on the version of the OS. If he has a NOS 1.3 120, no, he
cannot upgrade to NOS 2.0 by software. The ROMs need to be replaced.


Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae             Washington, DC, USA
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