[NTLK] MP120 charging question

From: Donald Winiecki (dwiniecki_at_boisestate.edu)
Date: Sat Jul 28 2001 - 10:22:05 EDT


I've got an old, OS2.0 MP120 (English) that is not 'telling me' when I've =
got the charger connected (or have it docked). It always displays =
'Battery' below the charge level scale in the Extras drawer, and in the =
SleepAid slip. That is, it never indicates 'Charging' or 'Charged' as it =
used to (and as my MP2ku) does.

Also, when I initiate a charge, the battery charge level scale just jumps =
to indicate full charged. =20

Consequently, I'm no longer confident that it's actually fully charged and =
don't think I get an accurate reading of the battery indicator -- so I =
don't know when it's about to poop out until I get the 'The battery is =
very low' slip...

Have I damaged the unit somehow, or is this a known behaviour of older =


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