Re: [NTLK] Newton & Ham Radio

Date: Sat Jul 28 2001 - 22:03:21 EDT

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001, Stephanie Maks wrote:
> If you're into Packet, you could I'm sure rig a cable from the serial-port
> on the Newt into your favourite TNC - or for real convenience, that Kenwood
> handie with the built-in TNC. Then a terminal package on the Newt like
> PT100 would be all you need for foot-mobile packet.

I started writing a quick little hack that would let you write APRS
messages on your Newton to be sent via the Kenwood TH-D7 (handheld with

Basically, the kenwood lets you pretend that you've typed a message in on
its keypad vai the serial port.

This means that you don't need to keep your Newton plugged in for an
extended period when you're working with it. THe primary propblem is a
physical one. The cabling isn't very nice. I already broke one
interconnector port off, and am really not interested in it happening
again. A dual serial port dongle that firmly attached to the Newton would
solve the problem. Or, in fact, an SER-001.

If there is interest in this app, I can finish it up and make it usable.
Again, it only works if you have a Kenwood TH-D7 or TM-D700 (car version)


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