At 04:06 PM 7/29/01 -0400, Samuel Jacobson wrote:
>In a poste to Newtontalk on 07/22/01 it was mentioned that a Mr. Robert
>Benshop might have several new eMate 300 units for sale (if I understood the
>poste correctly. If note please forgive the error).
Robert sells *new* units (he may be the last person with new units
available for sale). If you wanted a flawless unit, this would be the one
(and only) source to try. However, you're still stuck with trying to obtain
that DRAM/Flash RAM upgrade module. I'd stay on top of anything that John
Venzon posts in upcoming weeks, as he's trying to get adequate numbers of
eMate users to make it worth a manufacturer's while.
You could always grovel at David Humphrey's door, but I think there's a
line-up of people trying to get him to make a third SER-001 run for the MP2x00.
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