Re: [NTLK] Looking for an eMate 300

From: Samuel Jacobson (
Date: Sun Jul 29 2001 - 23:45:54 EDT

Dear Dr. Shaw et al.,
  I heard from Mr. Benshop (as I am sure you read on the list. :-) ).
Thank you all... As he noted he does indeed still have some eMates left yet,
as also pointed out, they do not have the DRAM upgrade.

  In regards to my multiple quires it has been made very clear that a memory
upgrade is paramount to having an eMate function well. Thus I was wondering
that, if my primary goal is to be able to work on notes and my Thesis on the
machine will I find the smaller storage soace and slower speed so
intolerable so as to wonder why I got the unit to begin with (that is until
I may locate an upgrade board)?



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