At 11:45 PM 7/29/01 -0400, Samuel Jacobson wrote:
>In regards to my multiple quires it has been made very clear that a memory
>upgrade is paramount to having an eMate function well. Thus I was wondering
>that, if my primary goal is to be able to work on notes and my Thesis on the
>machine will I find the smaller storage soace and slower speed so
>intolerable so as to wonder why I got the unit to begin with (that is until
>I may locate an upgrade board)?
The main issues with using a stock eMate is that certain things cannot be
easily handled, including running multiple applications and storing a lot
of packages on the internal store.
I had a similar issue with my original MP2000, which as you know does come
with a whole 1 MB RAM. On this machine, I could function so long as I kept
unused packages frozen and remembered not to do stupid things like
auto-select 200 messages in the InBox.
I purchased the eMate after I started working on the MP2100, so the green
guy has always appeared slower. The approximately 2 MB storage will allow
you to load NIE 2.0, SimpleMail, and one of the Works extensions while
still leaving over half for data (dump the Spreadsheet and Works
Calculations packages unless you can justify their use). This is more than
adequate for lots of snippet writing (5-25 pages/document) before uploading
and archiving on a desktop, which is something you should be doing anyway
in a thesis situation. As for the 1 MB RAM, you stay sensitive to the
amount of heap memory available (you'll learn the benefits of package
With the stock machine, you work smarter since you have to consider what
you can store and what you really need. You will not be:
- receiving a whole lot of fax (eats storage)
- adding unnecessary packages (e.g. Lee Moon's Dancing Baby)
- running LunaSuite (the "other browser" wants 4 MB RAM)
You will however, still have a versatile machine with fax, notes contact
management and word processing that runs for 15-20 hours on a single charge.
-- Ivan T. Shaw, PhD This is the Newtontalk mailinglist - To unsubscribe or manage: visit the above link or
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