[NTLK] Re: Building a PC serial cable

From: Richard G. DAVIS (msys1_at_charter.net)
Date: Wed Jun 13 2001 - 07:35:58 PDT

on 6/13/01 10:13, Victor Rehorst at victor_at_newtontalk.net wrote:

> Okay, let's get some actual content going.
> I'm trying to build an extra PC serial cable for my Newton. I happened to
> have a MiniDIN-8 to DB9 cable in one of my boxes of spare parts at home,
> and I can take apart the DB9 side. The wires are attached to pins 1-5 on
> the MiniDIN-8 (these are the 'lower' 5 pins). According to the diagram at
> Is there any way to get these things out, or do I have to go out and get a
> new DB9 shell, re-crimp all of the wires and build a new one?
> --
> Victor Rehorst - victor_at_newtontalk.net - chuma_at_chuma.org



There is a special tool that is used to insert and remove those pins.

For reference purposes, consult the Radio Shack Catalog for 2001, page 270,
item number 13, Radio Shack part number 276-1426, D-sub pin insertion and
removal tool, $2.99.

Or ask for the equivalent at most electronics supply stores.



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