[NTLK] Re: Implant troubles...can't turn of.

From: John Dickie (J.Dickie_at_LTScotland.com)
Date: Wed Jun 13 2001 - 11:46:40 PDT

Hi, Woo (and the hidden thousands - OK, hidden 1231)

In all this talk of upgrading 2000s to 2100s no one has ever mentioned
upgrading the (fairly slow) processor on an eMate. Is this possible? Can it
be done? I love my eMate, but if pressed I'd have to admit - it isn't too


John Dickie
Staff Development Specialist
Acting Web Service Specialist
NGfL Scotland Team | + 44 141 337 5034
Mobile: 07974 159 855
-----Original Message-----
From: Woo Lee [mailto:vitcitylb_at_earthlink.net]
Sent: 13 June 2001 19:28
To: newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net
Subject: [NTLK] Re: Implant troubles...can't turn of.
Sounds like you got your wires crossed.  ;-)
Yeah, re-install and see if that helps.
The first board sounds like it was too fast.
BTW, Motorola released a ARM-core Dragonball running upto 200-Mhz.  Anybody
want the 'press release'?
>Has anybody found out a way to turn it off on the fly from a software 
>solution? Is there something I could have done wrong on the install? Wires 
>crossed, not good enough connection?
!ooW  %-)
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