[NTLK] Re: Implant troubles...can't turn of.

From: Drew Loker (lokerd_at_hotmail.com)
Date: Wed Jun 13 2001 - 11:47:00 PDT

>Sounds like you got your wires crossed. ;-)
>Yeah, re-install and see if that helps.
>The first board sounds like it was too fast.

Well, this board looks like it has the same xtal.

As far as the wires being crossed, I am almost certain I put the wires back
on in the same order. The orginal board worked fine at first, and then
stopped working (in terms of being able to turn the thing off). Strangely,
J5 is numbered before J4 (in order on the board coming down the right side
if you are looking at the tabs). I thought this was strange, but I double
checked, etc. and I am pretty sure it is installed correctly.

Is there any chance that there is anything else wrong? Is it definately
wiring that is backwards? Which ones sound backwards? If it is working
correctly, but won't shut off, what else is wrong?

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