From: esworp (
Date: Wed Jun 13 2001 - 12:15:44 PDT
so, i'm keen on getting my mp2000 upgraded. I'm also thinking of
sending it to Apple to get the cracked case/ scratched screen/ broken
clippy-thingies/missing screws/bad karma fixed. Do both PIXsolution and
Dr. Newton do the upgrades, right? I see that there may be a chance
that PIXsolution can send me the upgarde for me to install myself.... is
there any online walkthroughs i can look at to see what I'd be up
against? (even a shot of the installed ram would be helpfull). should i
get Apple to work on it first? What about that accellerator I've heard
send me some insight people, i'm sure may of you have done it...
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