From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Thu Jun 14 2001 - 22:05:14 PDT
on 14/06/01 20:47, Eric Schneck at wrote:
> Following is from GPS Map site ( :
> ----------------------
> No Porting of GPS Map to other Platforms!
> As there are appearing more and more similar products on the market for
> other platforms (especially for PocketPCs), aiming to the same customers
> base, the porting of GPS Map has been cancelled as the size of this customer
> base compared to the efforts for development and support is not sufficient.
> Marketing and support for GPS Map for Newton will stop at 07/01/2001.This
> website will be accessible at least until enf of 2001.
> Newton enthusiasts may download the files related to GPS Map Lite from the
> download page to their own servers for mirroring.
> Considering the customers who have paid for their copy of GPS Map, the
> application will not become freeware and therefore will not be available in
> future. As there is a lot of geographic know-how in GPS Map (Lite) which
> might be re-used for customer specific projects, the GPS Map (Lite) source
> code will definitely not be made open source.
> Again thank you to all registered customers for your continued support and
> further success with navigating!
I don't know if it's only me, and I'm tired, and it's late, but that seems
like a very stupid statement. The source code won't be available, and even
the software won't be available! If I had bought a piece of software and the
company that made it would go belly up, I wouldn't be pissed at all if they
would make their software available to people that needs it.
-- ============================================================ Laurent Daudelin <> Logiciels Nemesys Software -- This is the Newtontalk mailinglist - To unsubscribe: with 'unsubscribe' in the BODY. Unsubscribe messages sent to the list will be filtered.
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