[NTLK] Re: GPS Map

From: Eric L. Strobel (fyzycyst_at_home.com)
Date: Fri Jun 15 2001 - 07:13:55 PDT

on 6/15/01 1:05 AM, countless monkeys randomly typing on behalf of Laurent
Daudelin at nemesys_at_cox.rr.com miraculously produced:

> on 14/06/01 20:47, Eric Schneck at eschneck_at_mindspring.com wrote:
>> Considering the customers who have paid for their copy of GPS Map, the
>> application will not become freeware and therefore will not be available in
>> future.
> I don't know if it's only me, and I'm tired, and it's late, but that seems
> like a very stupid statement. The source code won't be available, and even
> the software won't be available! If I had bought a piece of software and the
> company that made it would go belly up, I wouldn't be pissed at all if they
> would make their software available to people that needs it.
> -Laurent.

I have to agree. In fact, for those who've studied their Bible a bit, this
reminds me of the parable where the workers are being hired for X per day
and then later on, more workers get hired for the same amount of money, and
so on. With only one hour left, some more are hired at the same pay. The
workers who worked the full day complain that the last ones are getting the
same amount of money for much less work. The reply they get is basically,
"You signed on for what you felt was a fair wage. You haven't been cheated.
My agreement with the others doesn't change that."

In the same way, folks who paid for the software paid what they felt was a
fair price for value received. They've presumably gotten their money's
worth. The software met their needs at the time they needed it. It's no
more unfair to them to later give the software away, than it is for a store
to sell you something knowing that tomorrow a sale starts on that item.
Besides, we all own computers, so we all buy things that we KNOW we will get
cheaper if we wait.

- Eric.

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