[NTLK] Re: Options to install software from modem

From: Drew Loker (lokerd_at_hotmail.com)
Date: Thu Jun 14 2001 - 22:14:26 PDT

>set up with the correct MIME type for Newton PKGs;
>Just tell me what packages you need and I'll throw
>them up on my server for anyone to download. (this

>--- Woo Lee <vitcitylb_at_earthlink.net> wrote:
> > If you can download email I could send you the pkgs.
> > Just let me know what you need.

Thanks guys!

It sounds like I could just email myself a package?!?! How would I do that?
Just attach a package?

Ed, if you could put the packages necessary to get a 3Com 3C589c card
working, I would be really greatful. I have some of the packages installed,
but I think I installed them in the wrong order according to an archive
email I read the other day.

How do I access the files from a dial up using NetHopper?

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