[NTLK] Re: Alternate Switch for Implant? Reasons why my Implant Switch will not work?

From: Stephanie Maks (steph_at_maksystems.com)
Date: Fri Jun 15 2001 - 08:25:01 PDT

I'm only guessing, but if it were the Gnd, VCC or Xtal wires that were
'crossed' the Newt wouldn't work at all. That leaves just the Power-on and
Cpu active wires. However, if they were crossed... well it might behave
very funky.

Actually the only thing I can think of as far as incorrect installation that
would cause your problem is if the wire that is soldered to the plug for the
power switch (pwron / J1), was soldered to the wrong wire (i.e. to the black
one instead of the red one). Then the Implant would not be able to see any
switch activity at all, and therefore would never know to shift speeds.

If that wire is in the right position, though, then I'd say it's a problem
with the Implant itself.

If you want to try another switch, disconnect the J1 wire. Send it to one
pin of a pushbutton switch, and from the other pin of the pushbutton switch,
run a wire to ground.


> Sorry to keep going on about this, but it is really frustrating that I can't
> get my Newton to work.
> 1) After another member suggested, I went back and checked my solder
> connections and made sure I didn't have wires crossed, etc. Everything look
> fine. But if it is still my connections, which one would it be? J1-PowerOn?
> Or J2- CPU Active? Other jumper?
> 2) Is there any way I can solder in another switch? This certainly wouldn't
> be my first choice, but I have got to try something. If I give up on the
> Newton, I will have to put the old xtal back in, which sure seems like a
> shame.

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