Re: [NTLK] TapBar trouble

From: Andy Pasulka (
Date: Mon Jun 18 2001 - 03:35:38 PDT

> Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 20:25:33 +0200
> Subject: [NTLK] TapBar trouble
> From: (Oliver Brose)
> Hello List,
> I just installed TapBar 1.1.1 and a bunch of buttons.
> Very nice and convenient program, IMHO.
> But I have a problem:
> My main reason for this software was, that I wanted a quickly reachable
> keyboard for various apps, so I also installed the keyboard button.
> Starting it produces a -48807 error.
> According to Easy Errors that's an "undefinded variable".
> How may I solve this?

I'm not a TapBar user, but I've found that Way Wong's Leapin' Keyboards
( ) does the trick, and
you don't need TapBar for it to work. Also, it's well coordinated to
PunctPad, which is a little beyond what I need, but you might find that
little package useful, too. They're freeware, but Way Wong is still actively
developing packages and hasn't dropped off the face of the Newton world like
some developers.



"If you teach your child to read, then he or her can pass a literacy test."
                                                               -G. W. Bush
        Andy Pasulka
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