From: Edward (
Date: Tue Jun 19 2001 - 11:26:55 PDT
It is kind of funny, many companies built a product that will last a year or
so, then they will come with another product and then a newer one, but
Mac... they really produce something that will really last of quite a while.
..we are talking about 4 -5 years, that is really a long life product in
electronic stuff....but somehow they stop making it
> From: Sushi <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 01:05:18 +0900
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Tough decision...sell my Newt? Buy a Palm
> Hi Drew,
> Tough decision. Been there a couple of times.
> I switched to the Palm OS devices soon after Apple discontinued making
> the Newt.
> I didn't want to, but needed to out of necessity. At the time, I was
> traveling a lot and was afraid of loosing my data. At the time, I was
> Newt centric. So all I did was back up the Newt to the desktop.
> However, when Apple cancelled the Newt, I was afraid that if I lost or
> broke my Newt, and was not able to buy another one, I would not be able
> to access all of my contact and calendar data.
> So I made the decision to transistion to the Palm. I enjoyed using the
> Palm. However, as the years went by, I become more and more frustrated
> with the small display, short battery life (try using them with
> backlighting on -- the batteries don't last all that long), lack of HWR,
> and storage ability.
> Today, some of that has changed with the new Palm OS devices.
> However, when I play around with my Palm, I can really see what I am
> missing.
> Palm OS devices are very nice, and IMHO are head and shoulders above the
> WinCE -- oops, I mean PocketPC devices. I've used the Compaq, HP and
> Casio PocketPC's and find them all to have many shortcomings compared to
> the Palm OS devices.
> Anyhow, I've opted to stay with the Newt now that I've transistioned
> back. I do like the Newt. If you ever want to see a stark comparison,
> try both in a low level light condition where you need to use the
> backlight. The Newt is georgeous.
> Syncing is another issue. The Palm is much better in that regard.
> However, there are some packages available to help you do that. Since I
> don't use them, I will leave others to comment on those apps.
> For me, I am sticking with the Newt for the next couple of years. Then I
> will look again at the market and re-evaluate my options.
> Bottom line, is that I have what works for me. That is what you need to
> deterimine first and foremost, then go with whatever system that is. You
> have to be comfortable using whatever you choose.
> Sushi
>> Sorry for the lame topic, but I need selling on keeping my Newton and to
>> quit looking at Palm Vx on Ebay. But is it time?
>> I have owned a Newton of some sort since the OMP was new, then a 120, then
>> 2000, upgraded it to 2100, added Implant accel last year. I have impressed
>> hundreds of people, I have lived by it every day. I take it to church (it
>> has 3 translations of the bible...and I sometimes get to sneak a peak at my
>> agenda for the week). It has notes from dozens of conferences, training
>> sessions. HUNDREDS of appointments that need following up on. A stock pile
>> of cards (2 modems, 16, 8, & 6 MB cards). Tons of other accessories. Cables
>> out the gazoo (is that a real word) for home, office and on the road with
>> multiple power adapters. Full complement of fully paid for and currently
>> supported Stand Alone software.
>> In addition, I HATE the Palm OS. Why can't you just write where ever you
>> want. I HATE grafitti (sp?). I HATE, HATE, HATE that you can't just drag a
>> date entry where ever you want. I think the bottom line is that I hate Palm.
>> BUT, I need to sync with my laptop. It's necessary now. Before, it has been
>> tolerable, but I really need to be able to sync name, dates, and notes,
>> without complications. I have NEVER been able to get Act to sync with my Act
>> Database at the office. In fact, I have never been able to get Act to work
>> period, despite HOURS and HOURS of effort. Act on my Newt is just not an
>> option to my great disappointment.
>> But the single most frustrating thing is that my company released software
>> several months ago that would be really desireable and is only available on
>> the Palm. On the other had, the company software works on my laptop, and I
>> have one of the smallest laptops you can buy (Sony Viao 505) and I almost
>> ALWAYS have my laptop with me.
>> Sorry to ramble...but I am really feeling the "darkside" pulling at me! The
>> recent decrease in price and the always alluring small size of the Palm Vx
>> is eating at me something terrible. I have been watching E|bay closing for
>> several weeks now, but I jsut can't bring my self to give up on my Newt.
>> Which is why I have been so desparetly trying to get my serial connection
>> back working, to see if I can't eek out the sync issue once and for all. But
>> the fact is, I am loosing time and money. I am certain I would learn to dela
>> with the stupid OS of the Palm.
>> I guess, short of just rambling and trying to work through my thoughts, I
>> have one question. Is there any justification to have all three? Smallest
>> laptop, best PDA, and a pocket phonebook that just happens to run vital
>> company software!?!?!
>> Thanks for any feedback!
>> Drew
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