From: Eric L. Strobel (
Date: Wed Jun 20 2001 - 05:41:37 PDT
on 6/20/01 2:13 AM, countless monkeys randomly typing on behalf of Tim
McCracken at miraculously produced:
> Well,
> Right now I am looking to sell my Newton 2000. Here is the main reason.
> When I was in the states I lived in a cool climate I often, wore a coat, and
> could easily slip my Newton into a coat pocket. Or I was carry case-logs,
> etc and one more book(my Newton) was no trouble. But now I live in a
> tropical climate. No coat. No pocket to put my Newton into. Therefore,
> I often find myself thinking, I wish I had a Newton to put in my pocket.
> But alas such a thing may never exist. So I will have to make MAJOR
> adjustments to the Palm world.
> I will miss my Newton. I am well aware the Palm platform is not nearly as
> powerful as the Newton.
> I will miss paging through the NewtonTalk list...
> See you,
> Tim
Does ANYONE have a Newton holster they can send to Tim ASAP??? Be a shame
for someone out doing such good work to have to make such a sacrifice!
- Eric.
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