Re: [NTLK] printing to an epson

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Wed Jun 20 2001 - 08:38:02 PDT

On Wednesday, June 20, 2001, at 11:13 AM, kenn lowy wrote:

> i have an epson deskwriter. i can't print to it (using serial). does
> anyone know if i need a special driver (and where it might be??)

You mean, an HP DeskWriter? Or is it an Epson? What you will probably
need is the package named "PrintPack", version 2.0. It provides
additional drivers for a lot of HP and Epson printers. Should be
available on UNNA <>. Also, you might want to make
sure that your serial settings are the same on your Newton and your
printer. Most PC-based printers use the parallel port and are not always
properly configured for serial. Originally, the "PrintPack" package was
also sold with a serial-to-parallel adaptor. So, you could plug one end
to your Newton and the other to the printer's parallel port and it would
just work. But if the printer supports serial connections, there is no
reason that it wouldn't work. Make sure you have a real serial cable,
not a modem one, which has, I think, the transmit pin on one end
connected to the receive pin on the other end.


Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae             Washington, DC, USA
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