From: Mark Ross (
Date: Thu Jun 21 2001 - 18:04:19 PDT
>Have you tried deleting the prefs for NCU & CO ? Have you tried to export
>to a new blank file ? Have you moved or altered the original files you
>exported to ?
>If you are trying to export 1600 Names from the Newton - how much RAM do you
>have assigned to NCU, to CO, and to the little COrgAE2 applet in the
>Intellilink folder ? 1600 Names should require a pretty large chunk of
>memory in at least one of these.
>Paul Nuernberger
One other possibility. Did you recently install a new program that uses
the communication toolbox? They frequently overwrite the older
extensions that NCU needs to function. Try reinstalling NCU.
Mark Ross
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