Re: [NTLK] MP2k upgrade-chips

From: Simon Muller (
Date: Sun Jun 24 2001 - 03:54:46 PDT

Hi fellow green minded folks!
I can report success.
Found a Hitachi laptop 16Mb memory board with the right chips on it yesterday.
Today I took a plunge and soldered the old drams out of my MP2k.
That went easier than expected, the pcb of the Newt is of a good quality.
After cleaning the old location and pre-tinning the 88 new golden footrests
for the new drams, I soldered two of the chips off the Hitachi-board and in
my Newt. That wasn't easy. Since the chips came off of another board, the
feet weren't exactly lined-up horizontally anymore.
But after some fiddling, it looked ok. Ready for testing. I put the
flashrom-board in its place and slid the battery in its compartment. Beep,
beep, it sounded and the screen blinked on and of :-((
Oops! Something wrong. Did I fry the chips? Did I cause static discharche
and blew a chip up? No, luckily it was only one leg still being loose!
 Another test: this time chimes sounded and the Newton startup screen appeared.
It worked! "System RAM installed 3984K" memory info reports.

Thanks to all, who gave me comments and suggestions!

Simon Muller

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