Re: [NTLK] Platform crap...

From: James Elliott (
Date: Sun Nov 04 2001 - 19:03:58 EST

System 6 is the way to go! As you can see, no one has mentioned it as
sucking, so it must be the best.

>Uhh, you mean MacOS 9.x doesn't suck?...or Basic(Comm.64)?...or OS/2?
>..are these forgotten soldiers?
>..hard drive of the unknown OS.
>>Can we NOT have a platform war please?
>>XP sucks. OSX sucks. NT sucks. System 7 sucks. BeOS sucks. Win9x
>>Linux sucks. NewtOS sucks. PalmOS sucks.
>>All for different reasons, which we could bat about for weeks.

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