Re: [NTLK] [ANN] ZLib for NewtonOS 1.0

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Mon Nov 05 2001 - 12:30:00 EST

Well, I doubt that the Zlib (Liv-Zempel-Welch <LZW>)
compression is used in JPEG or MP3. The reason being
is that the LZW compression is a LOSSLESS compression
scheme while both JPEG and MP3 are LOSSY.
According to the FAQ:
JPEG is it's own compression format.
web/gadget guru

--- Steve Weyer <> wrote:

> I've read that Zlib is used in PNG graphics format,
> and it's probably useful
> in other places too. I'd guess that other
> compression methods are used in
> JPEG, MP3 etc. -- but perhaps Paul or someone else
> more knowledgable about
> these formats might comment.
> --
> Steve
> Newton apps/tools: Newt's Cape, NewtDevEnv, Sloup,
> Crypto,...

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