Re: [NTLK] Java 'n stuff

From: SlashDevNull (
Date: Wed Nov 07 2001 - 02:19:10 EST


  That is exactly what I consider to be the worst perception of Java. The
vast majority of the public think Java to be nothing more than a language
for 'applets' for browsers. And a slow applet at that. Sun pushed Java way
too much early and pushed way too much on it. It could only have
disappointed at the time.

  But after the JIT compilers were released, Java's speed started picking up
a bit. I remember reading that people always overestimate the usefulness of
technology in the short term and always underestimate its usefulness in the
long term.

  And putting the word 'java' in 'Javascript' didn't help either.

  Java has become relatively big. But most of the public does not
understand how pervasive Java is or really what is used for.

  Add to the fact that Java was instrumental in the 'Push' fad. Sure,
'Push' failed, and it brought some dimming to Java also.

  But I think C/C++/C# is a language for masochists and Java is only
marginally better. I code Delphi and consider it more powerful and easier
to learn/use than any of the 'C' languages. And leaps and bounds above VB
and Powerbuilder. But I digress.

  And if only Kim Polese got out more. <sigh> She was a cutie.



> on 16/11/01 03:55, Jon Glass at wrote:
>> on 11/6/01 2:00 AM, Frank Gruendel at wrote:
>>>> Also, I have yet to see anything written in Java
>>>> that was actually useful,
>>> Ermmm... considering that I've been spending the last two years almost
>>> entirely writing java software for a living, all of which is currently
>>> being used in products that are sold, you might want to elaborate a bit
>>> on that...
>> Boy, you're quoting from several messages in your post. :-)
>> I believe this was my message. What I mean is that I do not have nor use one
>> Java application on my desktop (laptop actually) computer. I have run into
>> one or two web pages that used it, and both uses were rather frivolous. So,
>> as I said, I have yet to see anything useful done in Java. I suppose the
>> sort of things done in Java are used in corporations and such, and don't fit
>> into the mainstream?
> That's usually the case. Corporations can then run those slow applications
> on Sun servers with 4, 8 or 16 processor, 1.5 GB of RAM and 200 GB hard
> disk. But, hey, it works!
> -Laurent.

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